Musical Monday #7 ~ Whitney Houston - Star Spangled Banner

Posted by Elle  |  at   6:49 PM No comments

I was trying to think of what video to post for Memorial Day
 on this Musical Monday.  The first video that came to mind was of Whitney Houston singing the national anthem.
"Among the annals of national anthems as a prelude to sporting events, few have topped the one delivered by Whitney Houston before Super Bowl XXV in 1991 in Tampa. Just a woman, her incredible voice and the bare minimum of extraneous notes. Her rendition came at a particularly patriotic time, just after the onset of the Persian Gulf War, and was released as a single. It was re-released after the September 11th terrorist attacks. Houston donated all proceeds to charity. She ranks among the best of all-time because of the circumstances and ... that voice.." ~ quote via YouTuber CavBuffalo Soldier (

Whitney Houston- Star Spangled Banner on YouTube

Link Up With Musical Monday Below!

Whether your child plays an instrument, your toddler learned a new song they like to sing, you want to do a throwback of a favorite music video from your past and countless other ideas, as long as it is musical, linkup with Musical Mondays here at All Around the Circle!

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  5.  Have Fun!!!!!

About the Author

Elle is a 51 year old HouseWife/WAHM/Kids-Taxi-Service from the Northeastern part of the United States. She enjoys reading, watching TV/Movies, blogging, social networking, crafting, recipe collecting, beaches and summer. She is not fond of laundry, cleaning bathrooms, washing floors or grocery shopping. Feel free to follow her on the social networks listed on the right hand side of the blog. Real life names have not been used in this blog.

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