A Wednesday To Forget & Put Behind Me!

Posted by Elle  |  at   8:00 AM No comments

You know how you plan to accomplish specific things on your to do list for the next day?  Well, Tuesday evening I was feeling optimistic and planned how the day was going to go for Wednesday.  What I didn't take into account was how I would feel on Wednesday.

Needless to say, I woke up cranky, tired and unmotivated.  Some of the items on my 'to get done' list included stopping at yet another grocery store, going to Michael's crafts to look for a birthday gift for one of Em's friends, get to another store to look for some non-candy related items for Easter baskets.  I had in mind peds to wear with sneakers, maybe a cute T-shirt/short set and just start to knock things off the list.  Well, my frame of mind just was not present yesterday.

I went to the grocery store and forgot the list!  I thought maybe I had left it in the car, so I parked my cart with  my fruits & veggies in it and went out to check. Nope, not there. There wasn't a ton on the list, but somehow it did not make it to the store with me, the store ad and my coupon box.  I knew then that I should've just stayed home.  So about a half hour later I return home disgusted.  My list was in the living room with my clipboard and notes that I had taken from one of the online Mom Conferences I watched on organizing the night before.  (Ha!  Organizing!!!  How ironic!!!)

At 1pm in the afternoon I was feeling like a loser as a wife and mother.  (There was a slight huff Wednesday morning about not wearing a jean jacket.  This is a story for another time.)  How to pick myself up and get motivated to do SOMETHING??????

I decided to make a photo to upload to the contest @5minuteformom to possibly win a Pro75 account with Pixorial.  So here is mine:

After I created this I decided it was time to take a look at the UBP14 prize page and decide what 10 choices to put on the prize list.  Whew!  Lots of choices!!!!!
Got that done and crossing my fingers I win something since I didn't have any luck at the Google+ Hangout or the Twitter party.

Before I knew it ----time to pick the kids up from school, after-school snack, dinner, clean-up dishes, take Kaye to Daisy Scouts, and help Em with her book report.  Well, the book report took MUCH longer than I thought because she needed my help to make a brochure in Open Office Draw and I had to rotate words, and measure where items went because it is a tri-fold brochure.  It was nice to spend time with her working on this project and I will probably share it with you all when it is complete.

After the kids went to bed I wanted to watch some T.V. with Jay, but he was beat and already sleeping.  I decided to listen to a few Mom Conferences online.
Up first was the topic of defining your time.  Boy do I need help in this area!  I also listed to the Systems of A Healthy Marriage: Top 3 Successful Marriage Tips.  Great advice!!!!

Sooooo, not much blog hopping happening for me, but as I've said before I always continue blog hopping after the UBP ends.  So make sure you look out for me in the coming days and weeks!!!!

About the Author

Elle is a 51 year old HouseWife/WAHM/Kids-Taxi-Service from the Northeastern part of the United States. She enjoys reading, watching TV/Movies, blogging, social networking, crafting, recipe collecting, beaches and summer. She is not fond of laundry, cleaning bathrooms, washing floors or grocery shopping. Feel free to follow her on the social networks listed on the right hand side of the blog. Real life names have not been used in this blog.

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