Rainy, Non-Motivating Day

Posted by Lisa E.  |  at   1:55 PM No comments

Hi everyone. Today is a damp and rainy day.

I did not sleep well last night and I am having digestive issues (IBS). Yesterday I worked very hard around the house. I washed the kitchen and bathroom floors and cleaned my 4 year old's bedroom (which took all afternoon). I still have loads of other things to accomplish around the house, but not much of anything is getting done today. Why do I feel guilty then? I think it is because I am constantly on the go and when I do have a day where I don't accomplish much of anything, the guilt sets is.
My plan for today was not to be a vegetable....I swear! I was going to shop for an Easter dress for Em (Kaye already has one that fits from last year) and possibly get a couple more things for their Easter baskets.

I just finished putting their baskets together and they really do not need any more candy. They went to our church's egg hunt on Sunday and got too much candy! They are attending another egg hunt at another Moravian church this Saturday. It's not just an egg hunt though. It's an 'Eggstravaganza'! They have different stations by age group and the kids do crafts, participate in the Easter story in the church, have a snack time, get their photo with the Easter BUnny and then have their egg hunts by age. We've been going to this one for quite awhile and really enjoy it. Next year will be Em's last year for egg hunts :-(

So what is everyone doing this Easter holiday weekend? We'll be dying eggs on Friday, going to the Eggstravaganza on Saturday, church and my parents house on Sunday. Thursday and Monday are the only days with no plans 'yet', but I do know Jay wants to have my car in for inspection, so probably one of those days I will be without my van.

Wishing everyone a
just in case I do not get to post here between now and then!

About the Author

Elle is a 51 year old HouseWife/WAHM/Kids-Taxi-Service from the Northeastern part of the United States. She enjoys reading, watching TV/Movies, blogging, social networking, crafting, recipe collecting, beaches and summer. She is not fond of laundry, cleaning bathrooms, washing floors or grocery shopping. Feel free to follow her on the social networks listed on the right hand side of the blog. Real life names have not been used in this blog.

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