It's that time again. Math facts assessment time!
Back in April 2012 I created a blog post about my oldest daughter Em's 3rd Grade Multiplication Assessment Test .
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However, not one person has commented on that post.
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Today's post is about my youngest daughter Kaye and her addition and subtraction assessment tests. They must have changed something because I remember Em taking addition in 1st grade and subtraction in 2nd grade, but Kaye has to do both this year.
In the Fall the second grade teachers had the students cut out paper flash cards and they have two envelopes: Facts I Know and Facts I Am Working On. I've asked Kaye a handful of times since then to practice facts with her and each time she'd say "I already know most of my facts."
Okay Miss Smarty-Pants.
At teacher conferences a few weeks ago the teacher gave me two double-sided sheets of practice tests for home use.
Last night was the first time we did a practice run and Kaye only got two wrong! When she called for me to come check them she said, "Look at the timer Mom, I have 6:49 left."
I had set the oven timer and it was then that I realized I mustn't have set it properly because 6:49 was the actual time it was. The test was good practice even if I didn't know how much time it took her to do it.
Next time I will be sure to take note of the time
she begins and ends!
Here is Kaye's test from last night
Afterwards when I was checking it she said,
"How could I get 3 + 2 wrong? I know it's 5!"
I had to explain to her how sometimes when you take a
test and you feel like you're under pressure to do well in
a short period of time, it affects your performance and you may forget things you really do know. I also assured her that over time she will most likely do better
because of all the practice she's doing.
Here are the quiz sheets for you to download
for your personal use.
These are some featured products to help your
elementary-aged student succeed in
mastering their addition and subraction math facts.
I hope this post was helpful and that your student
is successful when it comes time for their
addition and subtraction assessments!