Posted by Lisa E.  |  at   2:40 PM No comments

I have been a member of since 2006.  In that time I have received 32 books and I have sent 39 books to members.  With the arrival of e-readers people may thing paperbacks have fell by the wayside, but I think otherwise.

I received my Kindle for Mother's Day 2011.  In the year and a half I have had my e-reader I've probably read a total of 5 or 6 books on it.  I do, however, have a large amount of used paperback books that I've bought from used book sales and feel I need to read them before jumping into creating a digital library.  If I can borrow one of those titles from the public library I may choose to read it on my Kindle and then offer the book on Paperbackswap.   Other reasons people may still opt for a physical book is that it isn't offered in a digital format, they do not have the funds to invest in an e-reader or they are happy with holding a physical book in their hands.

Whatever your choice may be, I thought I would invite you to join me on so that if you are interested in a book I have read and blogged about, then you could read the book by requesting it from me!

Trade Books for Free - PaperBack Swap.

Here is a little information from the site itself:

"We want you to know about PaperBackSwap, the biggest book-swapping site in America. If you're a reader, you know how books can accumulate after you have read them. They pile up and gather dust, and you know you won't read them again. You can try to sell them to used-book stores, but you won't get very much for them, even if they are in perfect condition. PaperBackSwap is a better way! 

All you have to do is create an account for FREE, list your books that you are ready to share, and send them out to other members when they are requested. Yes, you pay the postage to send your books out (between 2 and 3 dollars for an average-sized book), BUT you get a Book Credit for sending each book (each Book Credit is good for one book - you can order from any member in the club), AND when you request books for yourself, the senders pay the postage to send those books to you. 

It costs nothing to participate, except for postage - there are no membership fees. You even get 2 startup Book Credits free if you are the first account at your household - you can use those credits to order 2 books for yourself, right away! 

Give your books a better life - no more languishing on dusty bookshelves! Find new readers for them and get new books for yourself. Send a book, get a book. It's easy and it's free! 

You can even print the postage right onto the address label, and mail the book from your outgoing mailbox or any blue mailbox. 

You have a good friend to let you in on this! If you do sign up, please click on this Paperbackswap picture: Trade Books for Free - PaperBack Swap.

If you use the link above to join and you become an active member, she will get a free Book Credit for referring you to the club! 

For more information about PaperBackSwap, you can visit our Help Center by clicking the link below: 

Best Regards, 

The PaperBackSwap Team"

About the Author

Elle is a 51 year old HouseWife/WAHM/Kids-Taxi-Service from the Northeastern part of the United States. She enjoys reading, watching TV/Movies, blogging, social networking, crafting, recipe collecting, beaches and summer. She is not fond of laundry, cleaning bathrooms, washing floors or grocery shopping. Feel free to follow her on the social networks listed on the right hand side of the blog. Real life names have not been used in this blog.

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