
Used Book Sale

English: A shelf with "review copies"...

Yesterday I went to a used book sale that supports local womens scholarships.
All the books are donated and collected at the beginning of April.
I've been going to this sale for about 9 years now.
This was the first year that the prices were drastically increased.
In past years I paid .25 to .50 for a paperback book.  
This year all paperbacks were $1. 
In past years childrens floppy books were anywhere from
 ten, twenty-five and fifty cents. 
 This year they were fifty cents to one dollar. 
The selection was less interesting to mine and my childrens tastes.
Yesterday was 'Preview Day'.  
This is the day that most of the local used booksellers come to get first dibs on what is available.  They really combed through the selections this year!
  • Preview Day Thursday, April 24, 2-6 pm
    • $20 entry fee 2-3 pm
    • $15 entry fee 3-6 pm
  • Free Entry and Sale Times:
    • Friday (April 25) & Saturday (April 26), 10 am to 8 pm
    • Sunday (April 27), 12 noon to 8 pm - Half Price Day
    • Monday (April 28), 10 am to 1 pm - Bag Day $5/standard grocery bag
Below are the books that I purchased for myself.
I spent a total of $27, which isn't bad and the money is going to a good cause.
I got Kaye some Barbie books, a few books for her teacher and Em some Full House chapter books.  If she doesn't find them interesting I will save them for when Kaye is old enough to read them.

I've become more of an e-book girl over the past four years.
I feel like I can read faster on an e-reader because I can enlarge the font.
It's also nice to not have to physically store the books.
The reason I go to this books sale is more for the childrens books.
Both my daughters would rather hold a physical book than read it on their tablet.
Also, they need a physical book to take to school with them to read for when they've finished their work.
neon :: used.books

I always get excited when this sale comes around,
 but this year my excitement was deflated by the prices and selection. 
My thought was that book prices would drop at used books sales because of the use of e-readers, but I guess the exact opposite is happening.

I haven't been to my local library's used book sale in years,
 but I think I will check it out next month.  It will be interesting to see if their prices are comparable to the sale I attended yesterday.

Do you shop used book sales? 
 Have you become more of an e-book reader or are you still 'old school'?
Do your children prefer physical books or ebooks?

Happy Reading!

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