
American Blogger Documentary

Lewis Lane

American Blogger is a documentary about a man, Christopher Wiegand, who travels the country to interview bloggers.
  This documentary is available now HERE.
 You may also purchase it in
 early June 2014 through iTunes..

I am not being paid for this post and I have never heard of either Chris or his wife's blog until I stumbled upon his documentary online a few days ago.

I'm interested in this documentary for the following reasons:
  1. I still consider myself a newbie blogger and like learning from seasoned bloggers.  There will be 51 bloggers in this film (took that number from Christopher's blog where it says 'Meet The Bloggers')
  2. I love travel.  I have an Associates degree in Travel & Tourism, but haven't been on a plane since my honeymoon in 1998.  I miss travel, but with limited funds and having a dog with separation anxiety for the past 14 years, we haven't gone anywhere.  I'm interested in follwing him around in this film.
  3. Photography.  I love photos and taking pictures.  As this guy says on his blog,  "I use my camera to tell stories."  You had me at the word camera Mr. Wiegand.
 I went to Christopher Wiegand's Facebook page and saw a post 
posted April 11, 2104 entitled
 "The Wiegands: My Response to the American Blogger Controversy.
  I was baffled by this to say the least.
  How could there be controversy over an independent documentary showcasing bloggers from around America?
Below are some excerpts  from Christopher's wife's blog post:

"The way these women tell their stories authentically does represent American Bloggers, but we are completely aware that not all categories of American Bloggers are represented in this film. Nor was that the goal for this first film. You can read this post from almost a year ago. Read the idea, the thought behind it. See where I mention American Blogger Part 2? From the beginning this was the start of a much bigger conversation. So many stories to be told. He also bought the domain ( with the idea that it could eventually be more than a film but also a website. Featuring American Bloggers everyday. These are all ideas and dreams that he had but needed to start somewhere and build momentum to take this bigger places."

" I am an American Blogger. You are an American Blogger. We are American Bloggers. I have many wonderful international followers and at the beginning Chris thought this would be an amazing series & website. And our tiny circle was a good way to start the conversation. Just a fun little movie for the people that follow my blog, follow these women's blogs and for anyone that has ever thought about creating a space on the internet that is all theirs. "

                       Please read Casey's blog post in its entirety here.

My take on this controversy is that maybe bloggers that thought they would be featured in the film weren't chosen and they are bitter.  Just my thoughts from reading the above article.  I find it sad that Casey has had a wonderfully fulfilling experience through blogging for many years and now that her husband is delving into blogging through film making, he is receiving backlash.

I ventured down to the comments section on the site that I found the trailer for American Blogger and saw some really hateful and distasteful words.  I debated about listing them here, but I will so anyone reading this can see the opposing viewpoint.

  Think what you may from these comments.

  And if you feel the same, well then, you don't have to buy or view the film,           right?   To each his own.

There was an update to Casey's blog a few days ago announcing that American Blogger would be released sooner than expected!  They are still planning on an early June release through iTunes, but they are releasing the film Wednesday, April 23, 2014!  (Yesterday!)  You can read more about the early release here.

Yesterday Casey's blog post announced the release of the film and expressed how proud she was of her husband and all the women bloggers featured in the film.  You can read that post here.

This is the disclaimer that will come with American Blogger when purchasing:

"When I released the trailer for my film, American Blogger, it was brought to my attention that it sends a message that the bloggers in this film represent all of America. This isn't, and was not, my intent. The women in this film are a very small piece of the story I wanted to tell: one that explores how blogging can not only leave a legacy for family memories, but an imprint on the world at large.

The way in which these women tell their stories with authenticity does represent the bravery and passion of American Bloggers, but please know: not all categories of American Bloggers are represented in this film. There are still many more stories to be told.

The goal of this film was to create a love story to the blogging community. I wanted to show how these women use their voice, share their stories and connect with one another. I wanted to create a moving visual for so many of the women that have built communities around their blogs.... equal parts "reality footage" and interviews. Even within this one film there are 51 women portrayed, and unfortunately, I didn't have time to tell each of their stories. It is my hope that by introducing them to you, you will take the time to read their stories and see who they are and what they have been through. Look at this film as an introduction; as the first piece to a larger puzzle.

This film is not meant to validate blogging as a career, or to paint a wide brush over a vast community. It is not a journalistic expose. It is simply one man's exploration of an inspired art: the freedom to tell your story."
                          So what are your thoughts on this documentary? 
                     Are you interested in this type of film or do you share the 
                                 viewpoint of the comments listed above?  
                                  Please keep your comment respectable.
                                             I'd love to hear from you!

P.S.  In all fairness, I have included some links to other bloggers who have commented on this documentary.  Please take the time to read their points of view.  Keep in mind what has been stated in Mr. Wiegand's film disclaimer.

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