
The 2014 Ultimate Blog Party!!!!

My name is Elle and I hope you
enjoy your visit here at
All Around The Circle

This is my 4th year participating in
Ultimate Blog Party 2014

If you are new to blog parties I will give you a quick synopsis.
A site hosts a party and then bloggers sign up under the genre that best describes what their blog is about.  It's a great way to find new followers for your blog, as well as make new friends for you to follow!
I always try to make my rounds to all the blogs listed, but I never succeed because there are so many!  I usually continue blog hopping to the listed sites long after the party has ended and I encourage everyone to do the same!

My blog is a daily living blog consisting of life events, commentary on a variety of topics, crafting, reviews of books that I've read and many other subjects that may 'pop' into my mind in any given day!
  It is a constant work in progress that I hope to expand as time goes on.
Soon I will be incorporating different topics for specific days of the week which I hope to incorporate Link Parties for.  So keep an eye out for that!

I hope you will check out some of my past posts by looking at AATC Archives or  the Topic Cloud located in the right hand margin of my blog.
Here are a few of my favorite posts:
SparkPeople~Start Your Healthy Journey Here!
3rd Grade Multiplication Assessment
Intentionally Keeping Yourself OUT Of Photos
Harry Potter Friday #7

Feel free to grab one of my blog buttons for your page by clicking on the Blog Button Exchange tab at the top of the page. 
 I will be sure to link back to your page as well.

Here are all the places you can follow me online:  photo 72b6f31c-3f17-43aa-8dd0-9b30368922fa_zps1effae80.png 

Follow on Bloglovin follow us in feedly

Please leave me a comment to let me know you were here and I will do my best to come visit with you!
I am having issues with Disqus Comments NOT working, so I've reverted back to the Blogger comment system, which I'm not sure is working properly. If comments do not work for you please use the Contact Form at the Bottom Right column.  Thank You!

Have a great time hopping around and I hope you'll come back to visit with me in the future!

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