
(TBT) ThrowBack Thursday ~ Easter Candy!

Happy Thursday to you all!

Yesterday Em finally went back to school after being sick since Sunday.
My day consisted of dishes, three loads of laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, paying a few bills and various other odds and ends.  Today there is more to be cleaned and organized, but because it's going to be a nice day I want to squeeze in a walk.  Hoping this happens because I've fallen out of the exercise/healthy eating routine and need to get my butt in gear!  It doesn't help that Easter is around the corner so there will be chocolate in the house;  my biggest weakness!

Yesterday was WordLess Wednesday and the photos I posted were 
'Easter Loot.'  The items in the pics are what I've purchased for Easter baskets so far.  I usually try to buy more non-candy items because my younger daughter attends an egg hunt at church and gets plenty of candy from that and my parents give my kids Easter baskets as well.
  For some odd reason my in-laws have never given my kids Easter baskets?  A few years they gave them like $5 each in an Easter card, but never anything Easter related.
 I am always looking for more Easter ideas, so feel free to
    (comment) on this post with your creative suggestions.
  ~Thanks in advance! ~

What do you remember most in your Easter basket(s) when you were a kid?

My sisters and I always got three baskets.  One from the Easter Bunny and one from each set of grandparents.  There was always a peanut butter egg or coconut egg in one of those baskets.  Reeses peanut butter eggs were my favorite.  
The Easter Bunny also always brought us gum in a carton, but it was this          brand in a carton like this

  My paternal grandparents always gave us these horrible red bunny lollipops.  They were red, looked like clear glass and appeared they would taste so yummy.  They were awful.  Not even sweet.  My Mom never had the heart to tell my grandmother we didn't like them, so we got them in our baskets every year and she'd throw them away.  If I ever locate a photo of these dreadful pops, I will be sure to post a photo!

Another item that was always in my paternal grandparents baskets were Easter Eggs that were either wrapped in a decorative foil or the plastic-sleeved decals that you dip in boiling water and the plastic conforms to the shape of the egg.
Anyone else remember these?

My Mom usually had us use these kits:

 or just regular food coloring used with Q-tips.  
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I hope you had fun reminiscing with me today!

Tomorrow begins the 8th Annual Ultimate Blog Party
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Ultimate Blog Party 2014
This is my 4th year participating in this party! 
 I'm looking forward to blog hopping, having new visitors to my blog and making new online friends! 
See you all at the week-long party!  Enjoy!

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