
Weekend Plans Anyone?

It's Day #8 of the Ultimate Blog Party 2013!
The FINAL Day Already!
Here's a Toast to all of my new followers & friends!
If you're visiting from the party, please visit here
so I can properly welcome you to my blog~Thanks!

It's Friday and it has been a long week.
Kaye has a birthday party from 5-7pm this evening and a gymnastic birthday party Saturday afternoon from 3-4:30pm.  I'm planning on taking Em to the store to buy some shorts and Spring shirts while she is at the gymnastics party because she has outgrown all of her 10-12 shorts and shirts.  She also needs a few pairs of Spring shoes, which we had a difficult time with when we went looking for sandals to match her Easter dress.  She has a narrow foot and a lot of the sandal straps do not lay flat against her foot.  

Jay has a seminar he's attending all day Saturday, so not a lot of together time this weekend.
I have a measurable amount of housework to catch up on, so I'm hoping to make a dent this weekend.  

So what are your plans this weekend?
I hope you have a great one and maybe even fit in some
 blog party hopping, even though the party is ending.

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