
Thursday Tantrums

It's Day #7 of the Ultimate Blog Party 2013!
If you're visiting from the party, please visit here
so I can properly welcome you to my blog~Thanks!

Tantrums are normally associated with toddlers
 but I believe adults need to to have a time and place to vent as well. 
 Thursday Tantrums will be that time and place for me.

       Tantrum #1

The Ultimate Blog Party is almost over and I've barely visited any of the
 blogs, Twitter accounts or Facebook & Pinterest pages.
Time has not been on my side with beginning my new work-at-home job
and trying to juggle all my normal Mom duties.  I'm hoping to the Linky
lists stay up on the 5 Minutes For Mom site so I can make some time to 
find some new friends.

Tantrum #2

My 6 year old has been more high-energy than usual.  I'm not sure if
it's Spring fever or what, but she's just been so annoying to everyone in our family.
Last night she had a time out in her bedroom  and all I heard was
 "if you let me out of my room I promise I'll listen to you."
My response was "you haven't been listening to me since I picked you up from school and that was three and a half hours ago.  So no, you're going to spend some time in your room."
I took a shower and when I get out Jay had let her out of her room. 
We start watching American Idol and Em says she has a headache. 
She is almost at the point of crying, so I give her some medicine and put her to bed.

Tantrum #3

The yellow tulips I bought myself for Easter, that I didn't even get to plant, 
are losing their leaves due to the hot, humid weather we've had over the past few days.

And this unseasonable weather change has me miffed because Em doesn't have more
than three pairs of shorts and I haven't even got most of my Spring clothes out yet.
I could go on and on but three tantrums for my first Thursday tantrums is enough.

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