
One Tiring Weekend!

It's Day #3 of the Ultimate Blog Party 2013! 
If you are visiting from the party please visit here
so I can properly welcome you to my blog~Thanks~

Now for today's post....

I worked with my boss this weekend at a local trade show for homeowners.
The arena was filled with home remodelers and any other business related to home improvements.
I worked 6pm-10pm Friday, 5:30-9pm Saturday and 12:45-5pm Sunday.
 Most of that time I was on my feet trying to draw in prospective homeowners looking to remodel their kitchens, bathrooms or other remodeling jobs.
 I felt a little 'green' as I couldn't always answer everyone's questions, but most of the time my boss was there to help answer questions that I couldn't. 
 We probably landed around 70 sales leads this weekend.  
This will give me a lot of at home work, as I will be the one contacting the prospective customers to set up appointments so my boss can go to their home to see what kind of work they would like to have done and work up estimates for them.  

Saturday evening my husband stopped out with the kids and Kaye felt like it was trick-or-treat with all of the businesses that had bowls of candy, pinwheels, pens and other trinkets to give away.
Em wasn't feeling too well due to her allergies, so they didn't stay for too long.  Today Jay took the girls to the park and when I got home they looked liked they had a great day of play outdoors due to how dirty they were!  Kaye was a bit cranky, but I think shes still a bit miffed that I was away for most of the weekend.  These trade shows are three times a year, three days at a time, so it's not bad at all, but I am glad it is over because it gets a bit monotonous. 

 If I hadn't been at the trade show I probably would've done some outside work, more laundry and played outdoors with the kids.  I also would've checked out blogs on the UBP, but now I will have to make my rounds during the week.  Looking forward to meeting new friends this week and hope to see more of you on my blog soon!

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