
Headache Of A Day :-(

It's Day #5 of The Ultimate Blog Party 2013!
If you're visiting from the party please visit here
so I can properly welcome you to my blog~Thanks!

Now for today's blog post....

Wow, was yesterday was busy!  We had no milk in the house so Kaye and I had to run to the food store in the morning and of course pick up a few more things other than milk.
Came back, boss called and told him I'd be at his house for training after I dropped
Kaye off at Kindergarten.  Then I spent two hours with him going over sales leads, 
watching him call to make appointments, talking about the customer care letters
we'll be sending out and so on.  Before I knew it, it was time to pick up the girls from school!  It was a beautiful day, so Kaye went in the backyard immediately after school and Em followed when her homework was completed.  I had to dig out the bags of Spring/Summer
clothes because the temperature is supposed to reach 80 bytomorrow!  It's crazy, 
because the temps have been super cool and windy and we all know that this gorgeous weather will be short-lived her in Northeastern PA.

Then after dinner Em had her final Girl Scout meeting for the year and earned her 5 year membership pin.  During the entire day I had this enormous headache that would not go away.
 I think it may be from the sudden change in the barometric pressure, allergies or both. 
 All I know is it makes me feel miserable and its hard to concentrate on all the things that are going on!

I attended the UBP13 Twitter Party Monday evening, but didn't win any prizes.
Congrats to all of you who did though! 
 I hope to look over all of the tweets from party-goers and get some ideas and tips for my blog.  
Tonight is the Google+ Party.  If you still haven't RSVP'd for that, you can do so here.
Hope to make some more new friends from the party tomorrow!

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