
Friday Mish~Mosh

Welcome Ultimate Blog Party Hoppers!
If this is your first stop at my blog, please visit my welcome post here!

So I stayed up until 12:30am EST last night just so I could get my site links entered for the UBP!  
I did not want to get out of bed this morning, but had to get Em off to school and there is tons of housework to be done around here today, so had to get myself 'movin.

I've done one load of wash and hung it outside already and cleaned up the breakfast dishes.  There is more laundry and straightening to do, but all I really want to do is hop around the blogs in the UBP!  That will have to wait until this afternoon though.

Kaye got her cast off yesterday and now has a temporary holder for her arm.  It is  plastic molded and has three velcro straps to hold her arm in place.  It's a bit big, but they are supposed to be bringing a pediatric brace for her today.  She will have the brace on for two and a half weeks and then I am guessing she will need to go to some sort of physical therapy.

Em is hoping to get her multiplication assessment back in school today.  She has a quiz in social studies today, she has to present a biography report in class Tuesday where she dresses up as the person and includes props in her report, as well as a math chapter test on Tuesday.  I feel like the teachers are cramming a lot in before it gets too close to the end of the school year, but she is handling everything well.  It's still hard for me to believe that my first baby will be entering 4th grade this Fall!

As for me, I had a glass of wine last night (Arbor Mist~Exotic Fruits~Yum!) while I watched two Tivo'ed episodes of Desperate Housewives.  I am finally caught up and hope to actually watch the series finale when it airs.  How about American Idol last night?  Jessica Sanchez as the contestant voted off?  Really?  I have been a fan of hers from the beginning, but the past two weeks I haven't liked her song choices and I've been getting a bit bored of her.  Maybe that is why she was at the bottom, but I still don't think she deserved to be the one booted off, and that is why the judges were in awe and saved her.

The weather here in Eastern PA is supposed to be beautiful this weekend.  Today it's supposed to be 65 , in the low 70's this weekend and by Tuesday  it's going to be 85! (those temps are all degrees Fahrenheit by the way.)  I haven't done any gardening and am looking forward to beautifying the flower beds.  What I am not looking forward to is my allergies when the pollen starts to drop.  I'm trying to be proactive by taking the allergy medication, nose spray and continuing my allergy shots weekly to combat this time of year.  I'm hoping it's not as bad as it's expected to be.

Well, I've spent more time online than I wanted to, so it's off to the house cleaning and doing some fun outdoorsy things with Kaye.

Have a great day Everyone!


  1. Just had my first trip to PA last week.

    I am popping over from UBP to say hi. Hope your enjoying party week.


  2. Yes,in fact I found you through 5minutesmom. I am now following you. Have a nice day! I will tell my daughter to follow you too! Hello from Rome!
