
Blog-Hopping Weekend!

to All Around The Circle!
If you are visiting from the 
please see my welcome post HERE to learn more about me & my blog.
to all of the bloggers who have stopped by and left comments for me, followed me and wished me well with my laptop issues.  I am happy to say that my husband's co-worker saved 90% of what was on the laptop, re-installed Windows 7 and I've almost got all the programs re-loaded.

It has been quite a busy weekend around here.  First though, let me update you on some of the things that I posted about Thursday (4/12/12).
  Em got her multiplication assessment test back on Friday and she passed with only 1 wrong!  I am so, so proud of her!
  Kaye got her cast off on Thursday and now has a brace that she must wear to protect her arm for the next 2 and a half weeks. 
 My husband purchased a charcoal grill this weekend (even though we already have a propane grill, he wanted charcoal for roasting marshmallows and certain things I guess.)

I decided to make rice krispie treats because I have no lunch snacks for Em's lunch tomorrow and I have been wanting to get rid of these colored & mini white marshmallows for awhile (we're trying to eat healthier around here~Ha!)

Well, as you can see by photo #3 they were a lumpy mess!  So, melted 5 large marshmallows in the microwave, and mixed in the rest of the rice krispies that would not stick to the original marshmallows (the leftovers are what you see in the photo with the blue pot.) So as you can see, the 2nd batch of marshmallow just kind of gelled on  top of the original mix.  Oh, well, they're at least edible.  I've never had this much trouble making rice krispie treats before; guess I won't be making them for some time to come!

I've been having a BLAST visiting so many cool blogs over the past 3 days, but tomorrow I'm not sure I will get much blog hopping in (I'll try though).  I hope to be back again tomorrow, but if not, I will definitely try to post on Tuesday!  


  1. Hi Elle! I'm glad I made it over - those rice crispy treats look delicious.

  2. hi still on UBP12 post party blog hopping. thanks for visiting MYB. since you are on blogspot, you can change your design template the same as mine, you can choose template then dynamic views, apply it on your blog and presto.
