
Welcome Ultimate Blog Party Hoppers!

Blogaholic Designs”=

Hello Ultimate Blog Party Hoppers!
Ultimate Blog Party 2012
** Welcome to All Around The Circle!**

I'm Elle, a semi-new blog host who is sometimes a bit busy to post blog entries because of all the running around this circle that I call my life!
This is my 2nd year participating in the Ultimate Blog Party @ 5 Minutes For Mom and I am so excited to get started blog hopping!
My blog was born when I decided to start sharing daily life triumphs, struggles, information I find online and just plain old 'Mom' things.  I do not use my family's in-real-life names, but the stories and photos I share here are 100% pure us! 

I have two daughters, Em (age 9) and Kaye (age 5).  My husband Jay and I have been together since September 1995 and married since September 1998.  Ups and downs and all arounds here, but we are doing the best we can on this life journey.

Most recently I have dealt with a breakdown of my laptop and I'm in the process of recovering and backing up a lot of files.  Last month (March) was a definite struggle for me, and I'm glad April is here!  I'm looking forward to hopping around during the blog party and finding new friends.  Finding the time to get lost on the computer is always the challenge for me. 

Here are a couple of my site badges for you to display on your site.  Feel free to leave your button badge link in the comments section of this post so I can create a badge exchange for all my new blog friends!
All Around The Circle: A SAHM Going Round The Circle Daily

All Around The Circle: A SAHM Going Round The Circle Daily

Below are some clickable icons for other locations you can follow me at online!  Also, listed along the bottom right column, you can choose to follow me by Google Connect, NetWorkedBlogs, and BlogFrog.  At the end of each post you can also choose to share or save posts to your favorite bookmark location as well.  Wishing everyone a great time at the "UBP" and I hope you all come back to see me again soon!

Follow Me on PinterestBlogaholic Designs”=Blogaholic Designs”=


  1. Your blog sounds a lot like mine! :) Oh, and laptop breakdowns are so horrible...I hope your able to get all of your things back! Basically everything that can possibly go wrong with a laptop has gone wrong with mine, so I know how you feel.

  2. Hello it's so nice to meet you!
    Sorry to hear about your laptop. I cry when mine isn't working right. Okay, well maybe not literally cry, or maybe I do ;-) Depends on how long it's down for!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me on Pinterest. My laptop died a year or so ago when my now 7 year old baptized it with apple juice =) Thankfully, my husband shares his. Nice to "meet" you. I will be back soon.

  4. Sorry to hear about your laptop :( hope it all worked out for you!
    Stopping by from OneSmileyMonkey!

    Happy UBP12!

  5. I had a laptop breakdown last fall, and it was the laptop I'd had for some SIX YEARS. I had everything backed up to PC, or I THOUGHT I did, but there were like six weeks of things that my laptop never sent out to backup as it turned out, and they were just G-O-N-E. Awgh!!! Nice to meet you! On to crash more blogs!

  6. Hello!
    Happy to meet you from the blog party. I love Pintrest too, so I'll follow you there. I hope you can check out my blog if you have time:

  7. Glad to meet you! I am following via twitter also----and I just got an iPad so I wouldn't keep carting my laptop around - and drop it! I know me!!

  8. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I love your blog :) One time my laptop went into a crazy state and I think my heart stopped for 30 seconds~!

  9. Stopping by from the Blog Party! Nice to meet you! Looking forward to reading more! Stop by and see me sometime. :)

  10. Nice to meet you!I don't use my family's name either. I wasn't using mine for a while and then I started meeting people IRL. Glad to meet you!

  11. Just stopping by from UBP12. I'm very much the same king of blogger. It's whatever comes up, usually. And sometimes..nothing. I always use my name because blogging is networking. So this is me. Have a great day!

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy to pick up your button as well! :) Take care!

  13. Hi, sorry it took me so long to visit you back. Thanks for coming over to my blog and leaving a comment during UBP 2012! In case you forgot, I am that blogger from Dubai! Nice to meet you! :)
