
Weekend Festival & Busy Week Ahead

Here we are at the end of April 2014 already!
So far it hasn't seemed much like Spring here in Pennsylvania.
We've had a few sunny and warm days scattered throughout the month,
but mostly the weather has been windy, cool, damp and rainy 
seeming like Fall weather at times.  I'm ready to start planting a garden and working in my flower beds, but Mother Nature just won't give us a break!

Kaye and I braved the cool & cloudy weather this past Saturday
 to go to a local festival.  There were all sorts of crafts, face painting stations, demonstrations, performances by local elementary bands, choral groups and dance studios.  We left the house at 10:40am and didn't get home until 2:15pm.
Luckily everyone received a ticket for a free hot dog and water and there was also free popcorn and cotton candy (which Kaye went back for 2 more bags of the cotton candy because they were small.)  I was beat for the rest of Saturday.
Below are some photos from our day.

A local elementary school class made this as an example
 of what you should eat to keep your body healthy. 
Gotta have a clown at the event.
This is a video of 'making snow.' 
 I think it was kind of like those styrofoam packing particles.
The kids loved this demonstration!
Therapy dogs.
Moravian Historical Society making
 women's Moravian hats, known as haubes.
Kaye making a kite at another station
 while wearing her haube.
Irish Step Dancing

Sunday the girls went to Sunday School and I went to a parenting class that had been on hiatus for the Lenten season.  Each session is based on the book 'The Love Dare For Parents' by Stephen Kendrick.  If you've seen the movie 'Fireproof' with Kirk Cameron, you already know a bit about the first book called 'The Love Dare' by Alex Kendrick .  We talk about different things from the book in the class and I like learning from parents that are going through issues with their teens, as well as the seasoned parents who have children my age.  It's refreshing to get a different perspective on things.  When this parenting class ends I will be borrowing the book from my church, reading and reviewing it. 
 I have the first book, 'The Love Dare',
 which I will also be reading and reviewing at some point.
So after Sunday School we had to come home because the girls were invited to our neighbor boys birthdya party from Noon to 3pm.  So I decided that since I didn't get anything done around the house on Saturday, that I had to make some progress with cleaning because I wouldn't be home much this coming week.
Normally I don't do laundry or cleaning on a Sunday, but Tuesday through Thursday I volunteered to chaperone Em's band rehearsals.  Qualifying 5th graders from 16 elementary schools in our district will be bused from their elementary schools to a local middle school to practice for the All City Band Concert to be held at 7:30pm this Thursday evening.  I will be on the bus by 9:15am and not get home until noonish each of those days.  So knowing that I have a pretty full schedule ahead this week, I decided to catch up/get ahead with housework on Sunday.  Four loads of laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, straightened Kaye's room up, put away clothes, put all the activities and appointments that are upcoming for May on my calendar, vacuumed, dusted and then by dinnertime I was 
beat on  my feet!

Monday I had to make a trip to the pharmacy to get allergy medication and then on to Wal Mart to check for some odds & ends.  I wanted to get on the elliptical to jumpstart getting back into the habit of working out, but I was just so tired that I could not motivate myself to move.  Not to mention the headache I had.
After school Em and I had our allergy shot appointment and then onto the public library to return and borrow more books.  

So here we are at Tuesday.
I hope you all have a great day and
 that everyone has a wonderful week!

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