
Happy National No Housework Day!!!!!

My husband sent this to me this morning and said "Enjoy your day!"
Well gee, I should've planned what to do for a day when
 I don't have any housework to do

I am planning on watching informational videos & podcasts via the
 Mom Conference that I signed up for this week.
  You can still register here.
At 10am EST this morning the conference kicks off! 
 Just check the e-mail address you signed up with for the 
invitation link to the videos! created this GREAT Conference Planning worksheet for everyone.  You can download it from me here.

Here’s a little bit about each of today’s speakers!

Amy McCready
Amy McCready
Get Kids to Cooperate Without Yelling or Nagging
  • Why kids really misbehave.
  • How to get kids to cooperate without yelling or nagging.
  • What to do about potty words, chores, homework and whining.

Lisa Leake
Lisa Leake
Tips for Packing School Lunch & Removing Processed Food
  • How she took her family OFF of processed food!
  • Tips for moms who want to help their kids eat better.
  • School Lunch: pack it, plan it, tips for making it easier.
As I said yesterday, I'm going to be inputting paperbacks I have available on 

Stephanie Brandt Cornais
Stephanie Brandt Cornais
Crock-Pot Freezer Meals: The Easiest Way to Get Dinner on the Table
  • Find out the best crock-pots and products to use.
  • Whip out a month’s worth of meals in ONLY a few hours.
  • A successful kitchen system to get dinner on the table.

Susan Peterson
Susan Peterson
Start a Business with a Little Hustle and a Lot of Guts
  • Balance being a mom-mom and a working-mom.
  • Grow a community (her Instagram reached 64k in under 2 years!).
  • Tips for moms who want to start an etsy shop or a business from home.

Heather Anderson
Heather Anderson
A Makeup Routine for Date Night or Other Fun Occasions
  • Makeup and tools to use, from a professional makeup artist.
  • How to put on makeup for date night!
  • The inexpensive products to spend your money on.

As I said yesterday, I'm going to be putting my available paperbacks on
 so click this icon to see what I have!

After that I need to hit the grocery store for some items we need.
I also have to get two birthday party gifts for two of Kaye's friends, but I'm not sure I'm in the mood for that today.
Maybe after I eat lunch I will go through some e-mails or do some 'computer organization' since I need to honor the No HouseWork holiday today.
Getting on the 'ol elliptical to start getting back into the exercise habit doesn't sound like a bad idea either.  I also have a book to read.  I ALWAYS have a book to read!  So as you can see, I have no problems coming up with other things to do when there isn't housework on the to-do list.

Whatever you decide to do on National No HouseWork Day, 
I hope it is something fun and relaxing for you!
Have a great day friends!

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