
Busy Weekend Culling Clothes & Paperbacks!


Sorry I've been MIA this weekend, but with Spring comes lots and lots of chores inside and outside.

Since it was cool, windy and rainy here on Saturday, I did 3 loads of laundry and then decided to cull Kaye's closet.
My youngest daughter Kaye is tiny for 7 years old.  There were still some 5T, 6 and 6x sizes in her closet.  Luckily I have a niece who will be turning 5 in August, so I always give my sister all of Kayes clothes when she outgrows them.

After taking all the outgrown sizes out of her closet and dresser, then I had to get the Spring/Summer size 7/8 clothes down from the attic.  Unfortunately Fall/Winter clothes were also in with some of the plastic tubs as well.

Kaye spent some time trying on shorts, skirts and some pants.  This kid is skinny, so some of the 7/8's don;t fit her yet!  I am lucky that I can use most of Em's clothes for Kaye.  There is almost too much because Kaye seems to stay in a size for a year or more!  Em on the other hand is in desperate need of clothes.  That's what happens when you're the oldest (as I am the oldest sister in my family too!)
After the excitement of 'trying on new clothes' wore off for Kaye, it was time for me to organize the drawers and her closet.  Some of the more summery items I put in bags on her shelf in the closet because they aren't needed yet.

So today, Sunday, I wasn't going to do a lot since I was tired from yesterday.  Well, today I ended up taking some boots out of my closet and getting some of my Spring clothes out of our storage room in the basement.  While I was in the storage room I decided to start straightening up a bit.  I noticed some paperback books that I need to go through and found A LOT of books I can post on Paperbackswap.  Although I read most of my books on my Kindle, my daughters still like 'real' books, so I try to trade what I have in paperback after reading them so I can get books for my daughters.  Be on the lookout for lots of books posted to my account this week here
If you don't have a PaperbackSwap account, you can create one here:
Trade Books for Free - PaperBack Swap.

Also a reminder that the Moms Conference kicks off tomorrow!
I'm so looking forward to this event and hope to gain some insight on a variety of topics.  If you missed my post on it the other day here is the link:
Free Moms Conference

Have a great week everyone!  Hope to see you tomorrow!

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