
Catching You All Up On The Last Few Days

Sorry I've been MIA, but errands and housework have been at the top of the list the past few days. 

My plan for Thursday was to acquire a birthday gift for Kaye's friend's party this Sunday, find some non-candy items for my daughter's Easter baskets and maybe find some Spring clothes for myself.

I stopped in Bed, Bath & Beyond first because there was an item there I wanted to get for one of our bathroom cabinets.  I didn't realize that the cabinet organizer I saw in the paper was actually two parts (one being $14.99 and the other being $19.99.)  

The paper is a little crumpled up because I was ticked off that it wasn't a set!
I decided against it and went next door to Michael's Crafts. 
I found a gift for Kaye's friend relatively quickly and then proceeded to get ideas for Easter basket gifts.  I bought some T-shirts and iron-on transfers, rubber stamps, plastic lanyard lace,  2 coloring books and flip flops for Kaye, bandanas, peds and thick crafting cord for Em.

This is Kaye's non-candy Easter basket goodies.

Here is Em's Easter basket goodies.

Then it was on to Kmart to look for something for me to wear.  I wasn't impressed with the selections in the dressier clothes area or the Juniors section (I was looking for Em) and everything I tried on was too tight.  This is when I started to get disgusted with myself and my weight.  

After a long, cold, snowy winter where you are able to hide your body in sweatpants, sweatshirts, sweaters and over-sized clothing, suddenly it's Spring and slowly we are baring our legs, upper arms and there are less clothes to hide your imperfections.  And before you know it the dreaded swimsuit season will be upon us!

Its not like you don't know that you're overweight all winter long, it's just easier to hide.  Now I regret not getting my butt back on the elliptical and not watching what I eat more closely.  I have been down this road many, many, many, many times before.  You can read a more about the free site that I have used in the past here
I plan on getting more involved at this site again as well as the Facebook group 
Just so you're aware, I will be blogging more about my ups and downs with trying to get fit.  For me it's not just about shedding the pounds, but also about self-esteem, energy, eating healthier and sleeping better.  I hope to incorporate new snack ideas, recipes and general tips about how I am going to reach my goals. 

So after I got home from shopping I ate lunch and then had a terrible headache.  I picked the kids up from school, came home took medicine and laid down for an hour before I had to take my daughters to choir practice.  I headed to bed around 10pm because I was just exhausted.  Not sleeping well is catching up with me. 

Friday was a bit of a more optimistic day.  
My daughters performed in a Spring concert at their school and it was very uplifting.  I came home after the concert and began catching up with laundry.  It was a beautiful day, so I hung two loads and put one in the dryer.  I also changed out my closet from Winter to Spring clothes, which took me most of the afternoon.  
After looking at what I have I know I need more workout pants and tops and new sneakers.  I could use more dress clothes, but would rather not spend the money on them until I lose more weight.  I most likely won't get to shop next week because I plan on getting my haircut and colored (carmelized for the very 1st time!) on Monday.  Tuesday afternoon Em is competing in her school spelling bee, so I will be at school for that.  Thursday and Friday my kids get out of school early for parent/teacher conferences.  So maybe Wednesday I could squeak in a trip somewhere to shop.

Friday evening I did some more blog hopping through UBP14 since it was the last day for that blog hop.  I hope to check out some of the other lists I missed in the coming weeks.   I also need to check out this blog hop that I am a part of:
This blog hop currently has 198 blogs participating!

Today is Saturday and I actually got a lot more done than I expected, which makes me feel happy, happy, happy!

I did a load of laundry and hung it out, put away lots of clothes from yesterday,  paid bills, cleaned out two flower beds in our backyard and added some outside decor.  Kay went to Home Depot with Jay in the morning and he bought some potting soil and grass seed for the backyard.  We're supposed to get a lot of rain this week and it's supposed to get below freezing at night this week, so we're waiting to put the seed down.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and Kaye has her friend's birthday party in the afternoon.  So my plan is to RELAX!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and that all my new followers are enjoying my blog!

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