
A Wednesday To Forget & Put Behind Me!

You know how you plan to accomplish specific things on your to do list for the next day?  Well, Tuesday evening I was feeling optimistic and planned how the day was going to go for Wednesday.  What I didn't take into account was how I would feel on Wednesday.

Needless to say, I woke up cranky, tired and unmotivated.  Some of the items on my 'to get done' list included stopping at yet another grocery store, going to Michael's crafts to look for a birthday gift for one of Em's friends, get to another store to look for some non-candy related items for Easter baskets.  I had in mind peds to wear with sneakers, maybe a cute T-shirt/short set and just start to knock things off the list.  Well, my frame of mind just was not present yesterday.

I went to the grocery store and forgot the list!  I thought maybe I had left it in the car, so I parked my cart with  my fruits & veggies in it and went out to check. Nope, not there. There wasn't a ton on the list, but somehow it did not make it to the store with me, the store ad and my coupon box.  I knew then that I should've just stayed home.  So about a half hour later I return home disgusted.  My list was in the living room with my clipboard and notes that I had taken from one of the online Mom Conferences I watched on organizing the night before.  (Ha!  Organizing!!!  How ironic!!!)

At 1pm in the afternoon I was feeling like a loser as a wife and mother.  (There was a slight huff Wednesday morning about not wearing a jean jacket.  This is a story for another time.)  How to pick myself up and get motivated to do SOMETHING??????

I decided to make a photo to upload to the contest @5minuteformom to possibly win a Pro75 account with Pixorial.  So here is mine:
After I created this I decided it was time to take a look at the UBP14 prize page and decide what 10 choices to put on the prize list.  Whew!  Lots of choices!!!!!
Got that done and crossing my fingers I win something since I didn't have any luck at the Google+ Hangout or the Twitter party.

Before I knew it ----time to pick the kids up from school, after-school snack, dinner, clean-up dishes, take Kaye to Daisy Scouts, and help Em with her book report.  Well, the book report took MUCH longer than I thought because she needed my help to make a brochure in Open Office Draw and I had to rotate words, and measure where items went because it is a tri-fold brochure.  It was nice to spend time with her working on this project and I will probably share it with you all when it is complete.

After the kids went to bed I wanted to watch some T.V. with Jay, but he was beat and already sleeping.  I decided to listen to a few Mom Conferences online.
Up first was the topic of defining your time.  Boy do I need help in this area!  I also listed to the Systems of A Healthy Marriage: Top 3 Successful Marriage Tips.  Great advice!!!!

Sooooo, not much blog hopping happening for me, but as I've said before I always continue blog hopping after the UBP ends.  So make sure you look out for me in the coming days and weeks!!!!

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