
This & That Thursday!

Sorry it has been awhile since I've posted.  Life is getting in the way again, I suppose.
The weeks in May seem to have gone by more quickly than any other month this year!

A few weeks ago I went to the Franklin Institute with Em's Girl Scout troop.
I hadn't been there since I was in 5th grade.  There were many new areas, including an IMAX
theatre where we saw a movie called 'Space Junk'.  It was about all the garbage we've sent up to space and how we need to find a solution to clean it up.  We toured all the different areas of the museum, but I think everyone's favorite area was where the human heart is located.  
I remember walking through the heart when I went on my field trip in elementary school, but it seemed so big back then.  As an adult it just seemed so small to me.

Here's a photo of Em standing by the heart.

I thought this  skeleton on the elliptical was quite funny.

Here's a video of him/her....

Here's a photo of the  Benjamin Franklin statue.

They also had this computer program where you could choose what you would look like if you
a) Smoked   b) had Sun Damage  c) were Obese

Here is one of Em's friends.  
The photo on the right is with sun damage, the left photo is without at age 70.

Here is Em at age 70.  Right is sun damaged skin, left is regular aging.
The odd thing is that I can actually see the resemblance to my
 maternal grandmother and my Mom in her face.

No, I did not try this myself because there was a lot of people in line for it
and I was too scared to see what I will look like!

In a couple more weeks I'll be chaperoning an overnight trip to the 
Philadelphia Zoo with Em's troop.  We get to tour the zoo at night and in the morning, 
sleepover in a building called the 'tree house' and have admission to the zoo the next day.
Should be tiring 

Looking ahead Kaye has her Daisy ceremony this coming week and Em is going on her 
2nd field trip for 4th grade.  My daughters had friends over this past weekend (2 friends of Em's and
1 of Kaye's) and then on Sunday we went to my in laws to celebrate my father in law's 84th birthday.

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend and I am hoping to get some work done in our backyard.
Our swimming pool needs to be uncovered, our patio blocks need to be power washed, and my husband constructed a weather proof audio visual stand so we can watch TV out on the patio (it's kind of hokey, but it will work) but he needs to finish the door on it.  Em is going to her BFF's house for a sleepover tomorrow night and then her friend may be coming over here Saturday to sleep over.   Kaye is having a friend over Saturday afternoon for a bit, so although work needs to be completed around our home, the kids need some down time with friends this weekend too.

As for my work at home job, it has been a slow start with the training due to some difficulties with  subcontractors we had working for the company.  We are moving forward from that mess and hopefully I will get more on-the-job training so I know more about what is expected of me in this position.  It has been  tiny baby steps thus far and I'm hoping to figure out how I'm going to handle it all with the kids being out of school for the summer soon.  Time shall tell!

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