
Happy Mother's Day 2013!

Whether you're a Mom with babies who have two legs or four, I hope you are enjoying your day!

My day began with getting ready to attend our church's Sunday School breakfast.  Pancakes, sausage, strawberries, and tea enjoyed with my daughters and their Sunday School teachers.  This is the annual tradition on ending the Sunday School year and to give our thanks and appreciation to those who volunteer to teach the children.  Kaye was chosen along with another little girl to hand out the flowers to the teachers as a gift of thanks.  After breakfast my daughters and I attended church together (Jay had worked all day yesterday and went food shopping while we were in church.)

After church we came home for lunch and then went over to my parents to spend some time with my Mom.  I never, ever, ever know what to get her as a gift.  She has no hobbies, doesn't read and is picky about scents.  So I bought her a pink geranium, 2 balloons that Em & Kaye gave her and a card with $25 dollars in it.  My Mom had made a marble cake with chocolate icing, so we had that as a dessert along with some cheese popcorn she put out.  My youngest sister had visited the day before because she was attending a friends daughter's 1st birthday party.  My other sister was probably celebrating with her husband because it is his birthday today.  So I felt good that at least one of my Mom's three daughters was able to visit with her today.  We stayed for about an hour and half, as my allergies had started to act up and I was feeling a bit tired.

My husband had seen his mother at the beginning of this week, as they attended a neighbors funeral together.  He mailed her a card with a check and is calling to talk with her this evening.

My gifts from my kids were home made cards and Jay gave me $50 in his card.
Sometimes I wish my husband was a bit more creative when it comes to gift giving.
Two years ago he bought me a Kindle for Mothers Day and that was probably the best gift he's ever bought me for Mother's Day.  (This past Christmas he bought me the Kindle Fire HD which totally shocked me!)

What I am trying to remember on this day that honors mothers,
 is that however people show their love and appreciation for you, 
what matters is that you have crossed their minds and everyone shows their feelings for you in their own way.

  In Kaye's case, that meant pinching me as hard as she could on my right arm because I told her  no, she could not play on her sister's laptop.  What followed was her being sent to her room to think about what she did.  Jay relieved her from her room after abut 15 minutes and spoke to her about what she did.  She then went outside to play awhile.  After she came back in we talked a bit about what she did and then I let her play on my Kindle Fire HD in her bedroom because she said she wasn't feeling well.  About 15 minutes later I went in to find the Kindle laying on her bed and she was asleep!  Napping is not something Kaye usually does, so she must be really tired from this weekend's events or she is getting ill.
  I hope it is the former.

I hope you've enjoyed your day and you at least take a
 little time out for yourself today or this evening.
  Reflect on the adventures your children have brought to 
your life and how without them life would not be the same.

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