
Book Review: Dockside by Susan Wiggs

Dockside (Lakeshore Chronicles #3)Dockside by Susan Wiggs
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Dockside is the third book in Lakeshore Chronicles series by Susan Wiggs.
The story continues as it follows Greg Bellamy, the new owner of the Inn At Willow Lake, and Nina Romno, the town of Avalon's former mayor.

Greg and Nina briefly know each other, as they both grew up in Avalon.  They never were in the same circle of friends, as he is from the distinguished Bellamy family, and she one of the many Romano children, daughter of a local teacher.

The story finds Nina wanting to purchase the Inn At Willow Lake, but then she finds out Greg Bellamy has beat her to it.  She is very upset about this, as her dream has been to be owner/operator of the inn aver since she worked there as a young girl.

The book also finds Greg's daughter, Daisy, pregnant and trying to decide whether or not to inform the father of her baby that he is about to be a father.  Daisy confides in Nina and this upsets Greg.

There are many flashbacks from Nina and Greg in this book.  They all pertain to the different occasions they've run into one another in their younger years.  The back and forth between the now and then is basically both Greg and Nina trying to figure out where and if they should be in one another's life.

After awhile I just wanted Greg and Nina to sort out their feelings and decide whether or not they wanted to be romantically involved with each other of not!  I'm hoping the next book in this series has a better story line than this book did.  My favorite book so far in this series has been Book 1, Summer At Willow Lake.

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