
Book Review: More Than Words Volume 3: Homecoming Season/Find The Way/Here Come The Heroes/Touched By Love/A Stitch In Time

More Than Words: Volume 3More Than Words: Volume 3 by Susan Wiggs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There are 5 stories in this book.

Homecoming Season by Susan Wiggs

I originally looked for this book because I started reading the Lakeshore Chronicle series by Susan Wiggs (so far I've only read #1 Summer At Willow Lake and #2 The Winter Lodge) and saw that the novella, Homecoming Season, would actually be book #2 in this series, but it really doesn't make too much of a difference. when this story is read.

Homecoming Season is about a woman named Miranda who is ending her rounds of chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer. She will only need to come in for check-ups every three months and is thinking about an adjusting to this. She takes a good look at her family and the toll her breast cancer has taken on them all. Her friend, Sophie Bellamy, suggests she take a week away at her ex-in law's cottage at Camp Kioga on Willow Lake. The week that they spend together helps them all come back together as a family again.

Find The Way by Karen Harper

This story is about a Woman named Alexis. She was a school teacher who was stalked by a janitor from the school she worked in. She ends up falling down stairs in her apartment building after he chases her and becomes blind. Alexis learns of a program called Puppies Behind Bars, where inmates train puppies to become seeing eye dogs or explosive detection canines. She applies for a dog and enters the program. Throughout the process the detective who handled her stalker case has fallen in love with her and is slowly trying to gain her trust. He also is worried that her stalker will return and hurt her again.

Here Come The Heroes by Kasey Michaels

This story was more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be. Charlie is a fourteen year old boy who had a kidney transplant and loved baseball. So much that he kept trying out for the local little league team and kept getting shot down by the coach because of his being too small and because it was known he had a kidney transplant and the child was a liability to the team and because of insurance reasons.

Charlie's Mom, Laura, gets an idea to assemble a team of other kids like Charlie with special needs (seizures, spina bifida, blindness, etc.) The idea is that anyoen can play and they make their own rules for the game.

Laura learns of a program in Saint Louis, MO and contacts them for ideas. Soon she has land for them to build a baseball field on and many donations from local businesses to help support her idea. She just needs to convince her husband that this idea will all work for their son and the other children.

Touched By Love by Catherine Mann

This story is about librarian Anna Bonneau, her former high school boyfriend, now lawyer, Forest Jameson and his blind son Joey. Forest is divorced with custody of his blind son Joey. Anna introduces Joey to braille books, while Anna and Forest try to fight the feelings they still have for one another all these years later. The love and connection Anna has for Joey is very sweet.

A Stitch In Time By Tori Carrington

This story was about a divorcee ER nurse, Jenny, one-year divorcee Dr. Harry Gordon, and and idea Jenny has about helping new Moms who need warm blankets and clothes for their newborn babies. Jenny tries to fight the connection she feels with Dr. Gordon because she feels like it will complicate her single, divorced lifestyle even more. She consults with her Aunt Precious who lives in a nursing home to help crochet baby hats, booties, and blankets for the Stitches From The Heart Program she is trying to establish in her community.

I enjoyed some of the stories in this book more than others, but over all it was a very good book that I would recommend to others.

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