
My Laptop Is Sick/Tooth Extraction

It has been quite a week to say the least. On Saturday, March 24th I broke part of a molar with a filling in it off. Sunday, March 25th we celebrated my mother-in-law's 80th birthday at a beautiful restaurant located on a golf course. Kaye was overjoyed because all of her uncles, aunts and cousins could sign her cast! Monday, March 26th I called my dentist and they said they could not get me in to look at my tooth until the following Monday, so I booked the appointment. That night I started to have computer problems with my laptop, but also problems with a molar (crowned molar with a root canal) on the opposite side of my mouth. I was up all night with pain. I called the dentist the next day and got an appointment for 10:20am since I was in pain. Two hours after they numbed me up, I had the tooth extracted (looking back now, I should have just had it extracted years ago instead of going through the root canal and crown process that cost over $800!) The dentist told me the tooth was extremely abcessed and put me on Vicodin and Amoxicillin. I had my husband go to the pharmacy for me on his work time, because there was no way I could go with how much my mouth was bleeding. He took off the next day to take/pick up Em from school and keep Kaye occupied during the day. I was in a lot of pain and slept a lot. Jay went into work late that Thursday so he could take Em to school and I picked her up that day. By Friday I still could not open my mouth much and it was still a bit swollen. I am doing much better, but my computer is not and I am missing it! Jay's co-worker has my laptop and is running programs on it to try to remedy the problem----most likely a virus. I'm hoping I don't lose the information I have on my laptop, but I may have no choice. Needless to say, this is why I have not been blogging the past week and a half. I am using Em's laptop, but it's not 'mine' and is much smaller. I am hoping to hear some news soon on my laptop. Just a reminder to everyone reading this: BACK UP YOUR FILES!!!! You never know when something like this will happen. Luckily I don't think I have too much of importance to lose on my laptop, but of course there are things (clog-related too) that I would rather not lose. ~Elle~

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I can feel your pain. You should have definitely removed your molar back then. It’s sad that you had to experience such pain. Well, I’m glad it’s been extracted now. Do you also plan on getting your wisdom teeth extracted? If so, I would suggest you get them removed as early as possible. That way, the wound would heal faster.
