
Sorry I've Been MIA

Whew. Have I been busy. We've finally chosen the color of our cabinets and counter-top. We also got some samples from a tile place for our back-splash. We just need to play around with how we'd like it to look design-wise. Now we are focusing on getting the liner in our above-ground pool replaced. But before that happens, my husband is helping his friend with his new above-ground pool. Em goes on her first overnight camping trip with her Brownie troop this weekend. I'm getting all her things ready so she can help pack the bag so she knows what is in there. Unfortunately the forecast is predicting rain :( I hope she has a great time despite the weather.

And speaking of weather, another reason I haven't blogged is because of my allergies! Ugh! They have been atrocious this year! Currently I am not suffering as much with my nose issues (sinus rinse, nasal spray & meds. are helping for that) as I am with my itchy, watery eyes. I've been putting eyes drops in, but wow do they bother me.
I love the Spring weather we've been having, but I cannot stand the pollens. It just destroys me. I think my allergies also wear me down because I have been extremely tired. Not getting a goods night sleep I guess. Before I know it Summer will be knocking on the door and the school year will be over! I cannot believe it! My first baby will go to 3rd grade next school year! School years never went this quick when I went to school it seems!

I hope all the Moms had a great Mothers Day! I got an awesome gift.....a Kindle! Now I can't wait to use it! I've been playing around with it little by little, but haven't really had a lot of time to play around with it. I'm looking forward to reading my 1st book on it! Anyone else have one? Any tips or tricks for me?

Well, there is my update for now. Hopefully I will have some pictures of the cabinets, tile soon. I just need to transfer them from my camera.

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