
Busy, Busy, Busy

As promised, here are the chosen pieces for our soon-to-be-remodeled kitchen.

This is the countertop, cabinets and flooring.

We're in the process of choosing a paint color so that my husband can start on that soon, as well as doing some electrical lighting work. Jay's occupation is an electrician, so that comes in handy. We also went to a tile place and chose some large and small tiles for the back splash. I did not photograph them, however.

Other projects in the works right now are getting the swimming pool liner replaced (waiting on the call from that contractor to tell us when he wants to come and do that), having Jay custom fit a pool deck for the pool that he got from a neighbor, and getting a concrete pad poured for our patio where there currently is a small deck. Of course Jay will need to tear down the deck prior to the pad being poured. We're hoping all this is complete before the kitchen remodeling begins.

Two weekends ago Em went for her first camping trip with her Brownie troop. It was a damp and drizzly trip, but she had a lot of fun! The countdown is now on for the end of the school year. I cannot believe it! As of today I think there's like 10 and a half days left. This weekend is Memorial Day....the 'unofficial start of Summer'!
Em has a drama camp program that she was chosen for at her school and that runs for a week from 9am until Noon the 2nd week in June. The following week Em, Kaye and I will be @ Vacation Bible School at our church from 9am until Noon and then that very weekend, Sunday through Tuesday Em will go to a camp program through our church! After that the kitchen remodeling will either have begun or will just be starting. I'm tired just thinking about it all!

I hope everyone enjoys a safe & fun Memorial Day weekend and that I can make it more of a habit to post blog entries. Stay with me peeps, there definitely is more to come!

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