
Full Circle Day

I cannot believe it, but an entire week has gone by and I did not get to fully enjoy my very first Ultimate Blog Party. This week has been filled with kitchen remodelers coming by our home for appointments (still awaiting quotes), squeezing in time for my 8 year old Em's science fair project, Em learning how to ride her bike without training wheels for the first time this past Sunday, trying to get a little more organized around the house (I haven't been too successful at this....yet) and much more.

Last night my husband and I found a floor pattern we liked on a blog from 2008 here. We couldn't believe it when we found the exact flooring at the first floor store we stopped at today! (He took off from work today so we could go to some floor stores minus the kiddos----Em in school & Kaye was at my Mom's for the day so we could do this.) There will be someone out on Monday to measure our kitchen and give us a quote for the floor. But wait, it gets better. Since we found the flooring right away, we did not have to visit the 4 other flooring stores on our list. Instead, we visited a custom cabinet maker about 2 miles from our house and they will also be coming out to measure for cabinets and hopefully give us a quote on Monday. We then visited Lowe's to get some ideas, I stopped into Barnes & Noble to use a $20 Groupon that I only paid $10 for (my daughters are getting the $10 gift cards in their Easter baskets), next it was back to the pet groomers to pick up the dog from his bath and then home for lunch. My husband decided to call this wholesale flooring company a few miles from our home to see if they carried the flooring we liked and guess what? They do and it is cheaper than the first floor place we visited! So we will have to make an appointment for that company to come out next. Price of course is why we are checking out all these different remodelers. We have narrowed down some ideas for our kitchen and I will share more on that another day. We went out to dinner tonight at a Hibachi-Grill restaurant and we were all stuffed. The kids had their baths and then we all chilled out and watched the 1991 movie 'Hook' on HBO Family. For now, I just wanted to let everyone know that all of this is why I missed out on the UBP11!

I have made about 40 stops at some blogs this evening and will continue to visit as many as I can as long as the list of links are kept active at the 5 Minutes For Mom site. Thanks to the wonderful ladies who run 5 Minutes For Mom and for hosting this wonderful blog party. Hopefully next year I will be a more seasoned blogger and have more friends to follow and who are following me. Looking forward to continue reaching out to new blogging friends in the future!


  1. thank you so much for coming by ..

    I myself haven't visits most of the blog on UBP11.. been busy with my exams..which will end today will be updating all the record books and the marksheet. Oh well, I'm sure gonna visits them all later..I try to at least visits 5-10 blogs per day :D

    I'm your new follower..

  2. Hi Elle!

    Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit me.

    WOW!! You have had a very busy week.

    Maybe you'll win a prize.

    Have a great day.

    I'm your newest follower via GFC and NetworkedBlogs.
