
2011 Ultimate Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011
Jumpin' right in here and joining the 2011 Ultimate Blog Party!
I figure if I'm going to be blogging it'd be nice if someone actually 'read' what I am blogging right? I've added another follower today! Yeah! Three followers! Welcome to my cyber-home!

The Blog Party runs from April 1st-8th and is sponsored by 5 Minutes For Mom. This is their 5th year hosting this blog party. This is a great opportunity to meet new online friends and maybe find someone actually interested in reading my blog (maybe).

My cyber-name is Elle* and I am 39 years old (and holding ~LOL). I've been married to Jay* for 11 years (12 this September). I've been a SAHM since 2002 when I had my 1st daughter, Em*. In 2006 my second daughter Kaye* arrived one day before my 35th birthday. We have a beagle/shepherd dog that we adopted from the local animal shelter two months after we moved in our home in 2000. We love him lots, but he hairs up our home pretty good. (* starred names are my family's cyber-names, not our IRL names.)

So, this blog really is just getting started and I plan on sharing about my life's ups, downs and all around's. Hoping you will stick with me and become a cyber-friend.
Have fun during the blog party!


  1. what a cute blog and blog name...

    what a fun party. I have enjoyed finding so many new blogs..

    Hope you will stop by...I have some extra giveaways that require nothing but a jumping through hoops.


  2. Hi
    I'm Lisa, & I found you on the UBP. I'm a mom running in circles as well! a little dizzy - but it's ok :-)
    Have a great day,
    Lisa at

  3. Thank you for stopping by Woven by Words! Wanted to jump in really quick and say Hi and add to your following numbers. =) Wish I was 39 still. I have a few years on you...sigh!

    ~Mimi #115
    @bigguysmama on Twitter
