
Book Review: The Girls Of August by Anne Rivers Siddons

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received this book in exchange 
for an honest review from NetGalley.

This is the first book I have read by Ann Rivers Siddons and I was pleasantly
 surprised at how quick of a read this book was for me.
I was a bit surprised how depressing a lot of the storylines were being this 
is supposed to be a 'beach read' kind of book.

The Girls Of August is about a group of women who vacation at a 
different beach houses every August. 
The Girls Of August were Madison, Rachel, Barbara and Cornelia.
The women's husbands were all in medical school when the August beach
vacationing began.  The first beach house the women stayed at was Teddy's wife Cornelia's 
aristocratic family's beach home in Alabama.  Shortly after Teddy went into private practice, Cornelia left Teddy for a college boyfriend. 
 Teddy's second wife , Melinda, clicked with Madison, Rachel and Barbara and became a beloved friend to all the girls ; they considered themselves the 'original' Girls Of August.  
Then after 15 summers of vacationing together, Melinda is killed in a car crash.

The Girls Of August hadn't seen one another in three years after Melinda's death, 
but decide it is time to renew their annual beach ritual.
  Madison and her husband Mac have met Teddy's young, new wife, Baby Gaillard, but the other girls have not.  Baby has offered her family's beach house on the remote Tiger Island for the Girls Of August beach retreat.   Madison, Rachel and Barbara plan a get-together in June so
 they can meet and think over the choice of this particular beach house.  

It is quite an adjustment for the middle-aged women to adjust to the 22 year old Baby
on their vacation.  They all have very little tolerance for some of Baby's behaviors,
which sometimes is comical.  But looming inside these women's minds are the troubles
they are currently facing in their lives.  This is where the storyline doesn't feel like a
light and fluffy beach read any longer.  It becomes a bit depressing and very much reality.

This book kept my attention, but it felt rushed at a lot of points in the story.
I felt like I wanted to know more details, especially toward the end of the book.
I almost hope there is a sequel to this book so that Madison, Barbara, Rachel and Baby's
stories can be further explored.  Not sure if the author has enough content in mind for a
sequel, but there are definitely loose-ends that I would like to be see tied up.

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