
The AATC Blog Now Has A FaceBook Page!

The time has come for the All Around The Circle (AATC) Blog
 to have its own FaceBook Fan Page
 It's very exciting that more and more people are following the blog,
 so it was an easy decision to create a page on FaceBook where fans can stay up-to-date with the blog there, as well as through their RSS feeds.

Above is the current timeline photo that I created.
As you can see, the photos includes items that currently make up the blog.
Writing, music, books/reading, comments, my avatar and the photos from the other two FaceBook groups I maintain.
When you visit the AATC FaceBook Page there is an RSS tab at the top of the page where you can read and link to the blog directly.  This will make it easy for readers to find what they're looking for more easily.  
I hope this is helpful to my readers and that you continue to enjoy the content that I share!

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