
Mother's Day 2014

It is the 100th birthday of Mother's Day today!

Anna Jarvis, the woman who was inspired by her own mother, yet never had her own children, organized the first Mother's Day observance in 1908.
She wanted the day to be about ones own mother and this is why it is Mother's Day vs. Mothers' Day;  singular vs. plural.  
It wasn't until 1914 that President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.
Anna Jarvis viewed this special day as an intimate time with ones mother and was not pleased when the holiday began to become commercialized with the giving of cards, flowers, and candy.  She fervently protested this commercialism, which very well could've made her rich, but instead she opposed it until her death in 1948.

Although Mother's Day is celebrated on different days throughout the world,
 it is important to set aside some time on whatever specified date in your neck of the woods, for the woman who gave birth to you.
I hope you can enjoy some time with your mother today whether it be through a visit with her, Skyping online, a visit to he gravesite if she has passed on or a meaningful conversation over the phone.

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