
Book Review: Precious Words by Leigh Fleming

I received this book in exchange for an honest review through

An excerpt from Precious Words:

Annie reached for Emberly’s arm. “Oh, he’s too hot to resist. We’re getting his
autograph, and you’re coming with us.” Emberly felt herself being propelled
forward as Annie and Kate firmly tugged on her wrists. Embarrassed by her friends’ exuberance but refusing to make a scene, she decided to hide behind Annie and Kate as they approached the table.
The four swarthy men were huddled at a round table tucked in the corner of the
pub, eating sandwiches and talking rapidly in Italian. Nico was sitting in the
corner facing the three girls, sipping what appeared to be lemonade. His head
jerked up as Annie boldly announced, “We’re sorry to bother you gentlemen, but our friend here would like to get Nico’s autograph for her mother, who is probably his biggest fan.”
Nico appeared amused at this unusual request and smiled at his companions.
“Sure. Which friend are you referring to?” His confused gaze fell on Annie and
Kate. The two girls quickly stepped apart and pulled Emberly forward despite her resistance. She smiled timidly, mesmerized by Nico’s inky dark eyes and glowing smile. Nico’s smile faded and he stared silently at Emberly. She watched his eyes trail from her face to her long blond hair, which lay casually across one shoulder.  He seemed to be drinking her in as his gaze settled back on her face. It felt like an eternity before he spoke. “Hello,” he said softly without taking his eyes off her.        

Emberly Fallon is an attorney who is on vacation in London with her friends Kate and Annie.  They find themselves in a pub with the famous pro-tennis player Niccolo Bartoli and get invited to sit at his table.  There is a natural connection between Nico and Emberly, but she tries to deny this because she does not want to get involved with a celebrity.  Her biological father is a high profile celebrity and Emberly vowed to herself and her mother that she would steer clear of self-centered men who live to be in the limelight.

Emberly cautiously agrees to a date with Niccolo and continues to have mixed emotions.  Their date doesn't end on a high note and Emberly and her friends soon return back to their lives in Washington D.C. Oddly enough Emberly and Nico continue to run into one another in different cities by chance.  First when Emberly has to fly to Miami for work and a second time when she is attending a family member's wedding in Cincinnati.  Eventually she gives into her emotions and finds herself meeting up with Nico in New York for a weekend getaway.  She has a run in with some paparazzi and is not feeling comfortable with this aspect of the relationship.  She then begins to receive threatening text messages from someone.  She believes 'The Messenger', as she refers to her or him, is either an ex-girlfriend or someone close to him, possibly on his team.  The texts become quite serious and the messenger has blatantly told her not to tell anyone about the texts.  She is afraid for Nico's safety, as well as her own.  Will Emberly end her relationship with Nico in order to keep them both safe?  Will she ever find out who's sending the texts?

This was the type of book that I looked forward to each time I read more and more of it.  I couldn't wait to see what happened next!  I also enjoyed that there was travel involved to different cities.  It was a very quick read for me and I almost didn't want it to end!

Leigh Fleming is the owner of the Scrapbook Cottage, a weekend retreat center for craft enthusiasts. She lives with her husband, Patrick, in Martinsburg, West Virginia, and is mom to adult children, Tom and Liza, and two beloved dogs, Lula Belle and Napoleon. Precious Words is her first novel.
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