
Thursday Already?!?!?!!?

I cannot believe how quickly this week is going by.

Monday I went shopping in search of an Easter outfit for myself. 
I didn't find anything.  I did, however, get a pair of sandals, some shorts, a few T-shirts, a few pairs of yoga pants and three pairs of sunglasses.  I also bought Jay some T-shirts and tank tips for summer. All items were at a reasonable price and I was happy to be crossing some needed items off of my list.  I wasn;t looking for jeans, but I found some Petite jeans in my size on a clearance rack.
  They were regularly $44 Gloria Vanderbilt jeans that I ended up getting for $6 a pair!  I wanted to get more, but I am hoping to be out of the size I am in, so I didn;t want to go too crazy, but you can't even buy $6 jeans in a thrift store!  I was extremely happy about the purchases, but am still bummed about my weight.

Tuesday I assembled my daughters Easter baskets and filled Easter eggs for their egg hunt from the Easter bunny.  I did one of Kaye's iron-on shirts (Hello Kitty) but I had to wash the other T-shirts I bought, so I will do them another day.
In the afternoon Em was one of two qualifiers from her homeroom to participate in the 4th & 5th grade spelling bee at her elementary school.  She was up against 13 other students.  I could tell she was extremely nervous the way she presented herself and the quiver in her voice when she spoke.  Not all her words were difficult, but some of the harder ones were extinguish, pennant, relevant and her winning word arid.  She won a dictionary and a $25 gift card to Barnes &  Noble. 
I had tears in my eyes when she won.  I knew how much she had doubted herself and how nervous she was about this and to have made it through and won was such a huge accomplishment for her!  I am an extremely proud Mom!
All her friends were hugging her, teachers congratulating her,  I took a photo of Em and the principal as well as Em and her homeroom teacher.  It was a very exciting day!

Wednesday and Thursday of this week are 1/2 days for my kids because their parent/teacher conference days from February had to be re-scheduled due to being off for a snow storm.  So Wednesday after I picked the girls up from school we went to Old Country Buffet for lunch (something we only do a few times a year) and did a little shopping.  The shopping was very disappointing.  
 I must get my butt in gear and lose weight.  Trying on clothes is not fun when you don't look nice in anything.  The next step is to start moving more, plan meals and eat healthier.

So today the plan is to finish the iron-on T-shirts for my daughters Easter baskets while they're at school, then they will be at my parents house this afternoon while I go to their teacher conferences.  The girls have choir practice in the evening and then they are off Friday, which is when we will be coloring Easter eggs.  If I get a chance I will boil the eggs today.

Hope everyone is having a good week and that wherever you are that your Easter weekend forecast is a good one!

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