
Spring Shopping with My Daughters

I've been busy the past few days with all sorts of not-so-fun-stuff (again!)
This past Saturday I took Em and Kaye shopping because they have Spring school picture day this Friday.  They both need shoes and I wanted to get them a new Spring outfit.  Buying shoes for these two is a nightmare.  
They both have narrow feet.  Kaye is in between sizes.  Em is picky.  
Then add into the mix the availability and selection of shoes in the store.

We left our house at 11:30am Saturday morning and headed to Wal Mart.  Em got a pair of flip-flop slippers and a pair of cushioned flip-flops that she wanted last summer.  We've learned the hard way that if we don't buy ahead of time the shoes she likes will not be there come summer.  Kaye got a pair of canvas sneakers.  None of the sandals they tried on fit either of them properly.  Of course this is the type of shoe they both need the most!  We looked at the clothes but only ended up getting Kaye a skirt and then I headed over to get some drug items we needed (soap, chapstick, body wash,  etc.)

Our next stop (and last stop for the day) was a local small-sized mall.  We started at Payless Shoes.  Em ended up getting a cushy flip-flop type sandal she liked, but nothing Kaye tried on fit properly.  We were bummed.  We headed over to Children's Place where Kaye got a chance to give the Easter Bunny a big hug.  This made her day!  No shoes that fit nicely here either.   Last store was Boscov's.  We spent A LOT of time in the Junior's section looking for a dressy outfit for Em's school picture, which will also double as her outfit for her orchestra concert.  She also got some shorts and a few shirts.  We then headed over to the Girl's department where we pretty easily found a Spring outfit for Kaye's pictures and she will be able to wear the canvas sneakers with this outfit as well. 

By the time we left the mall it was around 4pm.   We were starving!!!!  I did have a container of pretzels and we all had brought water bottles with us.  I felt bad for Kaye because it was a long shopping trip and my daughters don't usually go for long shop trips with me.  Em is enjoying clothes shopping more and more as she gets older, so she wasn't as impatient in the stores.   Luckily Jay had made a crock-pot meal for dinner, so we ate right when we got home.  I was beat from shopping, but it was nice to spend the day with my daughters. I hope I can find sandals for my daughters before Easter arrives!

The kids were excited because there was a new Sam & Kat on Nickelodeon and then they were pumped to watch the Kids Choice Awards.  Jay and I decided this would be a great time to watch some TV together.  While the kids watched their shows in the living room we watched the latest Grey's Anatomy we Tivo'ed and then the movie Revolutionary Road with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslett.  

Saturday night Em started with a scratchy throat.  I figured it was just her allergies since it was a rainy day and the temperature was rising.  Sunday her nose was runny and she was using a lot of tissues.  She had her regular allergy medication in the morning, but I also gave her Benadryl before bed.  Not enough.  She woke up at 3am complaining about her sore throat, stuffy/runny nose.  I put vapor rub on her and gave her water to drink.  Then I had a difficult time going back to sleep.

Sunday I did some catching up on housework (mostly laundry) and tried to take care of Em the best I could.  

Monday morning,  I call Em in absent for school and then call our allergist for an appointment.  I wasn't sure if this was a cold or allergies, so better to be safe than sorry.  Turns out it's viral.  Doctor sends us on our way with Advair for her asthma symptoms and Nasonex for her post nasal drip.   We also have a doctor's note for her to be excused from school until Wednesday.  Monday night she has a bit of a fever and I now have the humidifier in her room.

Last night she slept well.  Today she is doing better.  She may even return to school tomorrow.  I hope so because what I planned to accomplish the past few weeks has been weighing on my mind.

Em and Kaye both need to get their haircut before Friday and I am in desperate need of a hair make-over.  Mine will have to wait until next week though.

I am so glad I got out of the house on Friday and acquired some Easter basket loot.  I will share what I've bought as my WordLess Wednesday post tomorrow.

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