
Happy Earth Day 2014 & New Blog Link-Up Opportunity!

(The above pin is available to purchase here.)

Earth Day 2014.
Did you know that the first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970?
Why April 22nd?  Well, according to Wikipedia 
"U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson chose the date in order to maximize participation on college campuses for what he conceived as an 'environmental teach-in'.  He determined the week of April 19-25 was the best bet because it did not fall during exams or spring break."
You can read more about the history of Earth Day at Wikipedia or

The theme for Earth Day 2014 is Green Cities.  
Below is some information you can download as a .pdf file from here.
Here are some fun things educators can do with children:
For year-round information educators can join the EDN Educators' Network.
The Earth Day Network 

Above you've seen a lot of subjects that are taught about environmentalism.
Recently a friend of mine told me about something old (that is new again!) is popping up around the country.  They are called Creative Reuse Centers.
Here is a .pdf that will explain a little more in depth what these centers provide.
In a nutshell these centers provide educators with materials that can be re-used for creative purposes.

Wikipedia notes:
 "Creative reuse, also known as upcycling or repurposing, is the process of taking materials or products that are unwanted for their original function and through creativity, transforming them into pieces of art, home decoration, or other useful items. This is different from recycling, where the products are broken down to its component parts and re-manufactured into new products. Creative reuse is also different from conventional reuse, where the product is used in its original purpose again."

I created an online Facebook Group some time ago designed for parents, grandparents, Pre-K and daycare providers to network, discover and share arts and craft ideas for Pre-K through High School aged children.  I call it CraftWithKids NetWork.  Our Facebook Page is located here.
My challenge to everyone for the next month is to 
share upcycled, repurposed and recycled crafts!
CraftWithKids NetWork's Facebook Page is located here and I will be sharing upcycled crafts throughout the month on my page.

I've also created a Link-Up below so you can link up your blog or designated Pinterest board for this MONTH LONG event! 
4/21 thru 5/21/14
 I hope you will join us!

Creative ReUse Link-Up Rules
  1. Follow your host
  2. Link up your post.
  3. Display the above banner on your site 
  4. Check out those listed in the link-up, make new friends, and spread the word!  The more friends who join, the more fun this link-up will be!
  5.  Have Fun!!!!!
*Bloggers, please use the link to the designated post on your blog for the link-up and then as you find more things to share, you can add it to your blog post!

*Pinteresters, please use the link to your Recycled Craft Pinterest board and don't forget to upload the above banner to your board along with the link to this blog post for the link-up!

Follow CraftWithKids board Recycled Crafts on Pinterest.

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