
Public Service Announcement: Giant Food Stores BONUSCARD Scam

Be AWARE of this SCAM!!!!!!

Jay went food shopping at Giant Food Stores this afternoon. 
He was helping bag the groceries with the cashier. The person behind him somehow SCANNED their BONUSCARD before he paid the bill and he obviously didn't know this.
 He paid the bill, loaded the groceries and went to get gas. He scanned his BONUSCARD and there were NO POINTS!
 He went up to the gas attendant booth and she saw that the BONUSCARD number on the receipt DID NOT match his!!!! She told him this is a SCAM and that he had to go back into the store to get his points on his card.
 This took about 20 minutes more and he was NOT amused to say the least!
I've n-e-v-e-r scanned my own BONUSCARD @ the cashier lines, only @ the self-check lines. It's not that there were a ton of points, but it's the principle behind this. Also all the points we accumulate also help donate money to our kids elementary school! Be mindful of this!

My sister-in-law shared an incident that happened to her at
  Redner's Warehouse Markets  a few weeks ago.

 "A couple of weeks ago something similar happened to me at Redner's with gas points. I have a bunch of little cards on my key ring, and I happened to check the receipt right away at the store, which I never do. I had no new gas points and knew I should have, so I questioned it. The cashier said maybe I scanned the wrong card. We compared numbers and here I had scanned the Weis card instead of the Redner's card. They were able to straighten it out, but now I have to be extra careful because it's easy to get the wrong point card, the scanner is gonna pick up the first number it sees!"

And another story from an online friend.

"I had that happen at a Pathmark when they were doing one of those spend so much money and you get a free turkey things. 
After the cashier rang everything up I saw her grab a card off the register and beep it. Now, I don't normally shop there and was n
ot trying to get a free bird BUT...I was curious so I said, "I didn't give you my" and she mumbled, Oh it's o.k. I said, "Did it come off?" and she said, Yeah, the store coupons all came off. I said, but you didn't have the card yet. I waved the card over the scanner and it didn't beep. So I said, "Can I see the receipt?" The girl got all huffy and pointed out where the coupons came off. I said, "Where does it have the card number?" and she got all nervous and I said, "Can you call a manager over?" She calls the manager and as she's coming over I see her grab what looked to me like several cards from the side of the register and pocket them. The manager comes and she looks at the receipt and my card and as she's doing this the cashier says, "I scanned her card but it went to another account maybe cause her bar code is all old and messed up?." 
I said, "No, when I gave you my card you said it was already off and I'm wondering if the account on here matches one of the cards in your pocket." The manager locked eyes with her but said nothing. She just took my receipt to the service desk and then gave me and adjusted bill that had my points. 
In the meanwhile I'm thinking, is all this time and energy worth the fact that I have milk getting warm and my shopping trip time has doubled? 
I wonder how many free birds she managed to get for her friends before I mentioned this."

Not loving point-of-sale computer technology at the moment!

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