
Book Review: Happy, Happy, Happy by Phil Robertson

Happy, Happy, HappyHappy, Happy, Happy by Phil Robertson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I read Willie Robertson's book a week prior to reading this one. I must admit I enjoyed Willie's book more, however that could be because we're around the same age.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Phil's early life. It was almost like reading about Little House On The Prairie because his family lived like they were in the 1800's!

The part that lost my interest was when he was describing different ducks and calls. I just wasn't too interested in that, but I did read it all.

I was also pleasantly surprised at how religious this family is. It was refreshing to read because they truly are everyday people, they've just gone through a lot of extraordinary circumstances.

One thing that shines through both Phil and Willie's books are that they are intelligent. These southern guys worked their way to where they are now and deserve the recognition and fame they are experiencing. I just hope the fame doesn't go to their heads too much and land them in trouble someday.

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