
Welcome 2013 UBP Visitors!

  visitors from the 2013 Ultimate Blog Party!

This is my 3rd year participating in this fun-filled party and
I can't wait to visit blogs and meet new friends!

If you are a current reader of my blog and wondering what this 'blog party' is about please take a look at this nicely constructed video from our host, 5 Minutes For Mom.

My name is Elle and I am the voice behind 'All Around The Circle'.
The name of my blog came about because that is how I felt most days; like I'm in one of those hamster wheels doing the same things day after day.  Sometimes it's a drag, other times not as much.

My family consists of my husband 'Jay', whom I met in September 1995 and married in September 1998. In March 2000 we bought our first home and then adopted a German Shepherd/Beagle mix who we renamed Sandler. In December 2002, we welcomed our first daughter 'Em' and in October 2006 welcomed our second daughter 'Kaye'.

Life is ever-changing and this year that is true more than ever.

At the end of February 2013, my husband Jay nonchalantly mentioned to the man who remodeled our kitchen two years ago, that I could 'help him out' with his business. At the time he was coming from a trade show and was inundated with sales leads, had a lot of sales appointments to meet with and was feeling a bit overwhelmed. For the past month I've been training with him to learn about the suppliers he uses, ordering techniques and preparing for this weekend's upcoming Spring Home Show.
It's sort of bittersweet stepping back into the business world after being in my 'at home' world for the past 12 years, but I think I am ready for it. I will be working from home, so that will be a bit challenging during the summer with my daughters off from school,
but next school year Kaye will be in 1st grade, so no more ½ day Kindergarten days to deal with (½ day afternoon Kindergarten leaves me with very little time to do much nowadays!)

Over the past year my blog has mostly been reviews of the books I have been reading.I've been trying to read a lot of the books that I've purchased from used books sales that have been sitting on my TBR (to-be-read) bookshelves for too long now. I've also been
putting my books on Paperbackswap so that I can use the credits to buy books for my daughters book interests. For now Em and I are the big readers, while Kaye is just beginning to read (exciting!) and Jay continues to be just a newspaper/magazine reader.

Some other things I can tell you about my family:
  • Both Em and Kaye are Girl Scouts. Em is a Junior and Kaye is a Daisy
  • Em just started playing violin this year and she is doing very well with it
  • Both my daughters sing in our church choir
  • My husband is an electrician
  • I have an Associate's Degree in Travel & Tourism and worked as a Youth Counselor on board a cruise ship in the early 1990's

    Now that you know a bit about me, I hope you will follow my blog by clicking on the Google Connect or Networked Blogs logos on the right hand side of the page.  You can also subscribe through your favorite RSS reader.  Please feel free to follow me on Twitter, Pinterest and my CraftWithKids Facebook Group.  All of those icons and links are found in the right hand column of my blog as well.

    Feel free to grab one of my blog buttons by clicking on the
    Blog Button Exchange Tab at the top of the page.

    Enjoy the blog party everyone!


  1. Hi,

    I come for UBP 2013 :D Lovely blog you have. Wow...lots of books that you read. Nice to meet you.

    Pls return to see my UBP blog post too in here: See you...

  2. Swinging through with the UBP 2013! Taking a minute to link up and wish you a great day!

  3. Elle,
    Once the youngest is in Kindergarten life changes a lot. Thanks for the fun graphics for #UBP13!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nice to meet you :)
    I love to read also, but I've been buying books online and reading them on the kindle app on my phone. I still prefer a good old fashioned book though. My phone doesn't has the same smell that a book does LOL

  5. Returning the visit for the party! Looking forward to reading more of your blog! :)

  6. Nice to "meet" you Elle! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Enjoy the party!
