
Lazy Sunday Afternoon

For the 2nd night in a row the dog woke me up in the middle of the night to go out to do his business.  Last night however, I had an extremely difficult time getting back to sleep.  I usually have an air cleaner running in the Spring while I sleep but Jay asked me not to run it last night because it was making him stuffy.  I went down to our basement around 5:30am because I still wasn't falling back to sleep after about an  hour and half.  At 8am Kaye comes down and says that Em and her want to go to Sunday school.  They get dressed, have breakfast and Jay takes them to the church.

 Jay asks me to cull the coupon box because he needs to make a run to the grocery store today.  I do that as I eat my breakfast.  I then realize that although Em now has shorts and shirts, she still needs new sandals and sneakers because she is growing like a weed.  I decide that when I pick them up from Sunday School we will head over to Kmart (which is close to our church) so we can check if they've gotten any new styles in since before Easter (which was when we were there last to get shoes to match her dress.)  It took my girls about an hour of trying on shoes, but Em got a pair of sneakers and Kaye a pair of sandals.  Em also got some small earrings because she got her ears pierced 4 weeks ago and tomorrow is the day she can take her earrings out.  She's very excited about this.

We get home, eat lunch and then I start to think we'll head out to a few more stores in search of shoes.  Then I start to feel extremely exhausted.  I decide we are not going anywhere else today.  The rest of the day is going to be a lazy Sunday.  Jay isn't feeling well, I'm exhausted and sometimes you just need to take a day to just be.  Today is that day.

I'm planning on checking out blogs from the UBP13 Linky list and doing some organization on my computer.
I'd also like to start reading again.  I've been in a slump lately and miss picking up a book to take nme away to someplace else.  Tonight there's a special on National Geographic channel called The 80's:  The Decade That Made Us.  It's a 6-part miniseries event narrated by Rob Lowe and begins at 8pm EST.  If you grew up in the 80s like I did, this miniseries will be a nice walk down memory lane for you and your kids will probably get more than one chuckle out of watching it!  Here's a little sneak peak:
                                                           Enjoy the rest of your day!

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