
Book Review: 1105 Yakima Street By Debbie Macomber

1105 Yakima Street (Cedar Cove, #11)1105 Yakima Street by Debbie Macomber
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I wanted to like this book more than I actually did.   I think the situation between Bruce, Rachel and Jolene had me pretty furious.  I think another reader hit it on the head by describing Bruce as 'wimpy'.  What man would not see how his daughter was treating his new wife, let alone let the situation get so bad that his wife feels the need to move out and not tell him where she is living?  And she is pregnant with is child!  Jolene and her brattiness just had me enraged!  Also the situation between Linc Wyse and his father-in-law made me pretty angry as well.  Other side stories include Charlotte Rhodes and her increasing memory loss, Gloria and Chad coping with the news of her pregnancy, and Beth who owns a Christmas tree farm and takes in stray animals, has too many strays to handle.  I'm looking forward to the next and last book in this series.  Bittersweet.

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