
Keepin' Busy!

 I need to get back to exercising and eating healthier.  With all that was going on the last month and half, I hadn't stepped on my elliptical since February 15th!  I changed that this morning by doing a 20 minute Beginner level 1 workout up to resistance level 10.  I plan on doing that for level for about a week and a half and then slowly work myself back up to where I was before.  I definitely need the exercise boost to get me motivated and moving and that is just what it did for me today.

After the elliptical, I hung out one load of wash and washed the kitchen and bathroom floors.  I am going to hang the second load out as soon as I finish my post here, and then eat lunch.  I have a bunch more work to do on my laptop (like getting programs that I use back on it, as well as saving files and sorting things out).  It's going to take me awhile, so I know I'll have to work on it bit by bit, day by day.  It has to be done though.

Today is the 1st day back to school for Em after being off for Spring break since last Thursday.  Kaye is at my parents house, so it is extremely nice to have some quiet time around here.  I do miss them when they are gone, but once in awhile it feels good to just be alone because I rarely am.

Well, I must be getting back to the chores that await me.  Not long now before I must pick Em up from school.  We have our allergy shots today and we are stopping at the library.  I am sure she will have homework and studying tonight, so a lot to prepare for this evening.  I hope everyone has a great day!

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