
Happy 100th Anniversary Girls Scouts of The USA!

Happy Birthday Girl Scouting!

This evening my daughter Em's Brownie troop will be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Girl Scouts.  They will have a birthday party in celebration of the 100 years of this organization's great existence.  Ms. Juliette Gordon Low was the founder of Girl Scouts.  
You can watch this three part video on YouTube
 to learn more about this extraordinary woman:

Em's troop will also have a visit from Juliette herself! ( a local woman who impersonates historical figures.)  Then, for 6 days, my daughter's Brownie troop will follow a Girl Scout Birthday Week Calendar and complete 6 activities in order to receive a Fun Patch.

I was  a Girl Scout in the 1980's from about 3rd grade through 8th grade.  Looking back I wish I would have stuck  with the scouts, but school work became my focus and I quit in the middle of 8th grade as a Cadette Girl Scout.  I still have my badges and my badge book from when I was a Junior Girl Scout.  Em loves to look at that stuff.  I am so happy she is enjoying scouting as much as I did.  I have fond memories of field trips, crafts, activities we did in order to earn badges, and of course camping!

This is also a great time to remember all the Girl Scout leaders, past and present, who volunteer(ed) their time to help mold young women all around the country.   There's a lot involved in planning meetings, trips and activities in order to earn all those patches.  Without the volunteers and parents that give of their time, this organization would not exist for all these young girls. And let's face it, more than ever kids need a positive place to experience friendship and fun in a safe environment!  If you have a daughter and would like to get her involved with scouting, or you'd like to volunteer to be a leader, please visit  You do not need to have children to be a leader.  I have a friend who is not even married and does not have children and she has been a leader for high school age scouts for years.

If you were a Girl Scout, if your daughter is/was a Girl Scout, here are three simple ways to celebrate today:

(taken from Girl Scouts of The USA's Facebook page)

1.  Wear green or a piece of Girl Scout memorabilia today.
2. Post on your Facebook wall today about what Girl Scouting meant to you, in your own words.  Or tweet about the power of @GirlScouts, using #GirlScouts100 hashtag.
3.Smile and feel yummy-good all day today, knowing Juliette Gordon Low's vision--and our beloved institution---has endured for a century.

Here are a few more links to read about Girl Scouting:

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