
American Education Week

This week is American Education Week.  When I was a child what that meant to me, was that other kids parents came into school to sit in the chairs along the sides of the classroom and watch us learn.

I am the oldest of 3 children.  I have a sister almost 5 years younger than me and my youngest sister is 9 years younger than me.  When I was in elementary school my Mom was a busy SAHM like I am now.  She did not ask anyone to watch my sisters so that she could come into school for 45 minutes to visit my classroom.  Maybe she didn't think it was important to me?  I don't know.  What I do know is that my daughter asked if I would be coming.  My mother usually watches my youngest daughter on Tuesdays.  So I was able to visit my daughter's 1st grade class today.  They learned all about squirrels and then wrote in their journals about what they learned.  I was happy to see half of the parents of the children in their class there today.  I realize that not everyone can get away from work or get some time away from a younger child in order for them to visit their child's classroom.  If you can though, I encourage you to visit your child's classroom.  It really does mean a lot to them.  For more information on American Education Week go to The National Education Association.

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